5 Different Decorating Styles How to Find Yours

5 Different Decorating Styles: How to Find Yours

  • Choosing a decorating style is not something to rush or consider lightly. Every purchase you make while selecting furniture and décor has to reflect the style you choose, and you don’t want to start questioning your decision halfway through the decorating process. Before you start furnishing your home, use our guide to narrow down your unique decorating style and feel confident in your final decision.

  • Natural Colors & Materials for Rustic Look
    Photo credit: Domaine
  • Your style is Rustic if…

    You’d rather live outdoors if you could and you tend to choose natural colors and materials over others. The simpler things in life make you the happiest, and you’ve never once been accused of being to be too “over the top.”

  • Your style is Eclectic if…

    Your goal in life is to have as many interesting experiences as possible. Breaking the rules has never been an issue, and you prefer buying clothes at yard sales or thrift shops where you can find unique items. Most importantly, you hate being too matchy-matchy.

  • Relaxing Coastal Style Home Decor
    Photo credit: Allen Saunders
  • Your style is Coastal if…

    A simple and clean space makes you feel the most relaxed. You love the color white, and an ideal vacation is obviously somewhere near the ocean. The good news is: even if you don’t live anywhere near the water, you can still create a coastal-style home.

  • Your style is Transitional if…

    You’re never one extreme or the other and you prefer to be somewhere always in the middle. The transitional style is a mixture of contemporary and traditional that allows you to enjoy a home that is never neither too fussy nor too bold. For you, the transitional look is just right.

  • Contemporary Furniture & Lighting for Home Decor
    Photo credit: welk.nl
  • Your style is Contemporary if…

    Frills and clutter are the absolute worst. You like abstract works of art or bright, bold graphics. If you like open spaces and to always keep things simple, the contemporary style is perfect for you.

    So what’s your decorating style? Let your personality help you decide.

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