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Brand Story

Shop High-End Designer Noir at Bellacor

Every item for Noir is created the old-fashioned way: with a pencil and paper. That's because Lead Designer and Company Owner Georg Baehler insists on meticulously designing to scale by his own hand. Georg is an experimenter at heart and consequently, is deeply inspired by a fusion of classic furniture design, the very craftspeople that breathe life into his designs and sustainable local materials that are available to work with. This is how the Noir brand comes to life.

Noir's goal is to make furniture pieces that are rare and beautiful, but also practical and environmentally friendly. Every product from Noir has Georg's touch on it. Because they are all designed by the same furniture designer, the Noir product line is aesthetically cohesive but effortlessly complements a full range of interior design styles including classical, traditional, mid-century modern and modern.

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