4 Ways to Get Your Mudroom Ready for Winter

4 Ways to Get Your Mudroom Ready for Winter

You might call it “the mudroom,” but that doesn’t mean you have to actually let your entryway get muddy. To prevent your mudroom from becoming a mess this winter (due to tracking in snow, water and dirt, and from having to hang bulky outdoor apparel), try these four winter clean-up solutions.

1. Place outdoor mats on both sides of the doors

  • When the temperature is below zero outside, your family will want to get inside as fast as possible. By having another doormat placed inside your home, people are able to clean off their shoes in a more cozy and warm space. Additionally, having two mats that guests and family members can use might reduce the amount of snow and mud tracked into your home.

    2. Set a boot tray next to the door

  • Trays to Hold Shoes & Boots Before Entering Home
  • Boot trays are designed to keep floors clean, and in addition to boots, they can also be used to hold wet umbrellas. If you place the boot tray right next to the front door, people will know to take their boots off immediately after walking inside your home.

    3. Prevent clutter with a great storage system

    Snow and dirt aren’t the only things that can muck up your mudroom in the winter. You’ll also be keeping bulky coats, gloves, hats, scarves and snow pants in the mudroom. If you don’t already have storage solutions in place, consider what would be best with the amount of space you have. Hall tree benches, which are cubbies with hooks and storage boxes, are a great way to separate your family’s outdoor gear. Storage benches are also useful to have in mudrooms.

    4. Keep only winter items in the mudroom

  • If you’re working with limited mudroom space, save some room by removing your fall and spring jackets. Pack away any clothes or sporting equipment that you won’t use in the winter and place them in storage areas like the basement or attic.This winter, keep your mudroom mud-free. With the right furniture and accessories, you can easily keep your entryway clean and organized.

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  • Wendy Weinert

    Wendy Weinert is an HGTV addict and avid DIYer. When not working on a craft project, as an interior design blogger and enthusiast, she is passionately helping people beautify their environment by providing insightful advice and inspiration.