
( 167 Results )
167 Results

Loloi Rugs

Not all that long ago, Loloi Rugs was a company with four employees and a small office in Dallas, Texas. But the people at Loloi also had an idea. They believed innovative design, an eye for detail and a commitment to craft could produce truly distinctive rugs. It was never about being the biggest name in rugs. It was never about being part of the pack. No, Loloi Rugs sought the role of pioneer in the industry. The mission: design and handcraft the world's most original rugs.

More than a decade later, Loloi employs hundreds and creates thousands of their original rugs every day. And now the brand has expanded the vision to design a variety of home accents, including pillows and throws. Along the way, Loloi earned the trust of dealers worldwide, as well as the respect of industry insiders. Still, the company maintains its commitment to that first revolutionary idea to create the world's most original rugs. Loloi has built a global family of designers and dealers, craftsmen and consumers who share their belief that the only home accent worth making and having is one that is uncompromisingly original. Since 2004 no rug company has received as many ARTS Awards — the industry’s most prestigious honor — than Loloi. This includes three awards for "Best Rug Manufacturer" in 2010, 2011 and 2015, one for "Outdoor Living" in 2012, and, "Green Manufacturer" in 2013. The brand has also been given 11 consecutive ARTS Award nominations for "Best Rug Manufacturer." It's amazing what can be accomplished when a company and its people set out to do something completely different. It's even more impressive when it works as well as it has at Loloi. Score one for originality.

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