Surya Rugs

( 343 Results )
343 Results

Advice & Info

Surya Area Rugs

Ideas for choosing the best Surya has to offer for your unique style

Surya area rugs create beautiful transitions thanks to their quality materials and head-turning style. Surya is a leading manufacturer of contemporary rugs, and the brand’s designs are impeccably made with on-trend patterns, textures and hues. Enhance your home with braided, knotted and handwoven Surya rugs for an artisanal accent that makes a statement all its own, or brighten up your modern neutrals with multi-color prints and patterns instead. Whether you’re searching for versatile Surya indoor and outdoor rugs or looking for a basic Surya runner to complement your sense of style, these designs come in various sizes and shapes to suit your floor plans.

Surya Wool Rugs & More

Where Surya rugs fit best in your home

Surya area rugs make eye-catching accents throughout your home, and they come in various sizes, shapes and materials to accommodate your space. Add warmth and coziness to living rooms and bedrooms with Surya wool rugs, or try textured styles that are braided, handwoven, hooked or knotted. Try a Surya round rug beneath a round dining room table for stylish meals with family and friends. Polypropylene rugs are another smart and versatile choice for indoor and outdoor spaces alike, while runners create decorative transitions right where you need them. Place a Surya geometric rug under a retro couch for a creative display, or stick with solid rectangular rugs for a classic approach instead.

What to look for in the best Surya rugs

At Bellacor, we carry a wide range of Surya area rugs to complement several different aesthetics and design needs. Reversible rugs let you double your styling options, while indoor and outdoor rugs are versatile enough to withstand the elements as needed. Add a polypropylene area rug to your deck or patio space, or use a tufted design in your office for a comfier workspace. Solid hues are always a classic choice, while prints and patterns lend eye-catching color to neutral settings.

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