Price Match Guarantee

We work hard to provide you with the best prices possible. If you find the identical item within 7 days of the original order date, we will match that lower price for qualifying purchases based on the requirements below.

To request a price match, you should:

  • Call customer care at: 1-877-723-5522
  • Email and include the website address and a screenshot. We will review your request and respond within one business day.
  • Bellacor Pro clients should contact their Account Manager.

What qualifies?

Your item may be eligible for price matching if it is:

Identical item to the online retailer's item.

The item must match the brand, model number and color to qualify and be a new, factory first item, not a customer return or open box item.

Immediately available for purchase and shipment to your location by the qualifying online competitor.

The online competitor must also be an authorized dealer of the item represented.

Not shown on our exclusion list below.

Exclusions include but are not limited to: Non-online retailers, Marketplace retailers or MAP priced items. See full exclusion list.

Full exclusion list. Sorry we don't match:

  • Current promotional offers or discounts on Bellacor cannot be applied to previously placed orders.
  • In-store pricing from local or warehouse stores/showrooms
  • Member websites that require logging-in to see pricing
  • Items sold via a Marketplace third-party or discount site -meaning any products that are not sold directly by a competing online retailer
  • Items advertised as a flash sale, seasonal, discontinued, obsolete, promotional, closeout, clearance, open box, distressed or going out of business pricing
  • Online competitors with pricing or typographical errors
  • Items with rebates, free offers, or specific one-time-only promotions, including bundle offers
  • Items that result in a price discount for local pickup
  • Item pricing only available to select groups of customers including loyalty offers, discounts relating to non-warehouse membership programs and government exchange store offers
  • Online competitor's pricing from Thanksgiving Day through the following Cyber Monday
  • Items for sale that are governed by Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP) restrictions set by select manufacturers (including, but not limited to, Hooker Furniture, Noir Furniture, Minka Aire, Lexington and their subsidiaries: Tommy Bahama Home and Outdoor, Artistica, Sligh, and Barclay Butera) which prohibits us from price matching below certain levels