Choosing The Right Shower Head For Your Bathroom

Choosing the Right Shower Head for Your Bathroom

  • Taking a shower should be a refreshing and rejuvenating experience. So why do many people step out of their shower feeling unsatisfied? More than likely, it is because of their shower head. If you’re feeling frustrated with your shower experience, it may be time to ditch your old shower head and invest in a new one. Here are some of the more common types you might consider:

  • Standard mount shower heads – These shower heads come in various styles with different spray settings and features. If you like the standard mount style but aren’t fully satisfied with yours, you might just need to install a standard mount with features more to your liking.

  • Top-mount / ceiling-mount showerhead – Top-mount shower heads offer a unique shower experience that you may or may not like depending on your preference. These shower heads are mounted so that water falls directly from the ceiling rather than at an angle.

  • Hand-held shower head – Do you have a bath/tub combo? Then you might like having a hand-held shower head. These shower heads detach from their holders so you can control where the water flow is directed while bathing or showering. People who prefer this style also like that the shower head can be used to clean their tub.

  • Photo credit: Better Homes & Gardens
  • Sliding bar shower head – This style of shower head is perfect if you have a family of varying heights. Because this shower head is attached to a vertical bar, you can move it higher or lower depending on how tall you are.

  • Shower panel systems – If you like Jacuzzis, and have a decently sized shower area, then you will love a shower panel system. With a shower panel system, you can customize the water pressure exactly to your liking and enjoy massaging jets of water. Every shower will feel like a relaxing spa experience.

    With the right shower head, you can wake up every morning excited to step into a relaxing, hot shower.

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  • Wendy Weinert

    Wendy Weinert is an HGTV addict and avid DIYer. When not working on a craft project, as an interior design blogger and enthusiast, she is passionately helping people beautify their environment by providing insightful advice and inspiration.