Holiday Organization

Holiday Organization

With the holidays coming ever closer, the key to staying sane is endless organization especially when it comes to all those extra house guests! Read on for some easy, innovative, organizing ideas that are so useful you will just have to share your new knowledge.  After all, it is the season of giving!

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  • 1) Easiest one of all (and one I am sure you already do) is make a list of all your events/ duties for the holidays. This can be stored in an app, on a calendar, or on good ‘ol lined paper.  The key is to have every task in one place and break them down into manageable steps, if necessary.

    2) After you have made a list, look around the house and start organizing rooms that are a bit too clutter-friendly. Look into bookshelves or storage cubes that can easily organize those knick-knacks. Just doing this basic de-cluttering will clear your mind and start you off stress-free!

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  • 3) A favorite! – Organize your bed sheets into sets and fold them inside the matching pillowcase. This way, you have sheets at the ready and don’t have to hunt for matching sets when Aunt Mildred surprises you at the door.

    4) Pull out your winter clothes from storage and look at each item as you put it away. Are you really going to wear that sweater from the ugly sweater party last year? If not, toss it in a box for Goodwill.  Charitable organizations are always on the look out for warm clothing!

    5) Use transparent storage bins for your holiday decorations. This is the easiest way to take stock of what you have already before you go buy another reindeer candle.

    6) Store individual light strands in gallon sized plastic bags. This way each strand is separate and will not get tangled with the rest.

    Make organization simple and easy for your family with just  a little bit of time and the purchase of just the right items for your space. After all, this is the season to spend time with your family and friends, not stress about clutter. The key is to get started today! The sooner you start organizing, the more seamless the holidays will be!

    Have a wonderful holiday season!

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