10 Simple Ways to Reduce Waste in Your Home

10 Simple Ways to Reduce Waste in Your Home

  • Tips to Reduce Waste While Planning to Design Interiors
  • Lowering your impact on the environment by reducing waste in the home is easier than you think. Start by incorporating just a few of these 10 strategies into your home life and continue by adding more when you’re ready. Before you know it, these waste-reducing tips will become second nature.

    1. Buy in bulk whenever possible and you won’t need to throw away as much non-recyclable packaging.

  • 2. Illuminate your home with LED lights. They last much longer than alternative solutions.

  • 3. Get creative and repurpose old furniture and household items. Using items in unique ways will give your home character.

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  • 4. Have less furniture and invest in quality pieces. The less surface space you have, the less space you have to accumulate junk. And by investing in quality furniture, you won’t have to keep replacing worn-out or damaged pieces over and over again in the future.

  • 5. Supply your home with bedding and rugs made from natural fibers, such as bamboo or wool.

    6. Take your thermos to the coffee shop. Most cafes will happily fill your thermos with coffee, and you might even save a few cents in the process.

    7. Bring your own reusable bag to the store. You’ll be grateful later when you don’t have an overflow of plastic bags anymore.

  • 8. Make your own cleaning supplies. Many brand-name cleaning supplies use a small number of ingredients such as white vinegar and baking soda.

    9. Eat more whole foods instead of packaged products. Eating a frozen dinner everyday results in a lot of waste. Make it a goal to cook more often, and when buying packaged food, buy in bulk.

    10. Reuse gift bags and tissue paper. You can even reuse wrapping paper if you open presents carefully!

    You don’t have to change your whole life to be more green. These waste-reducing strategies are easy to incorporate into your lifestyle, and they will help make you more environmentally conscious in other aspects of your daily life.

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  • Author Wendy Weinert
  • Wendy Weinert

    Wendy Weinert is an HGTV addict and avid DIYer. When not working on a craft project, as an interior design blogger and enthusiast, she is passionately helping people beautify their environment by providing insightful advice and inspiration.